Five Myths About Changing Behavior
From May 2005 Fastcompany magazine, page 55
1. Myth - Crisis is a powerful impetus for change
Reality - 90% of patients who've had coronary bypasses don't sustain changes in the unhealthy lifestyles that worsen their severe heart disease and greatly threaten their lives.
2. Myth - Change is motivated by fear
Reality - It's too easy for people to go into denial of the bad things that might happen to them. Compelling, positive visions of the future are a much stronger inspiration for change.
3. Myth - The Facts Will Set Us Free
Reality - Our thinking is guided by narratives, not facts. When a fact doesn't fit our conceptual "frames" -- the metaphor we use to make sense of the world -- we reject it. Also, change is inspired best by emotional appeals rather than factual statements.
4. Myth -- Small gradual changes are always easier to make and sustain
Reality - Radical, sweeping changes are often easier because they quickly yield benefits
5. Myth -- We can't change because our brains become hardwired early in life
Reality - Our brains have extraordinary "plasticity," meaning that we can continue learning complex new things throughout our lives -- assuming we remain truly active and engaged.
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